Tuesday, July 13, 2010

California & Florida not for the faint of heart

So this week was very odd, usually I visit one location and am within a few hours of it the whole week. Not so much this week. I was emailing a coordinator trying to figure something out and she wasn't responding. Needless to say she is having some serious health problems and we don't know when she will be back. So I had to go down and meet with her replacement this week because the week I had scheduled the replacement was out of town. So yesterday I flew into LAX.

I got there and worked, her replacement is the lead coordinator and just filling in for the time being. One of the nicest ladies I have ever met. I usually get intimidated talking with adults especially one and one about myself and the conversation usually goes stale after about 20 minutes. She though was so nice and we talked about a lot of different things, we even went out to lunch and talked the whole time her and I. The more I work for Savage the more I wonder how the heck they found all these wonderful people. At all of the companies I have worked at there have been a few people who I have had to try to even have a working relationship with. I don't think it is me, because I can get along for at least 30 minutes with anyone. Savage just has rounded up some of the best of the best and it is a great working with such wonderful people.

So I finished up there at around 3 in the afternoon and wanted to do something other than just go to my hotel and sleep. I went to the LA temple. I was picturing the Oakland so it was funny when I got there I was kind of disappointed. That didn't last long, I got out of my car went for a walk around the temple and just relaxed. It was a nice way to unwind. So then I drove to my hotel, in San Pedro.

Savage has corporate rates with quite a few hotels. The one in Southern California is a Double Tree, and right on the water. You can tell the deals they work at some places are for more than just business. Most of the time I stay in very businessy hotels, not this one. (the reason I didn't blog last night is because they only have internet in the lobby to encourage eating at the restraunt and bar) It was amazing right on the bay, about 1000 sailboats anchored and just a great place.

I woke up at 3:30 and got to LAX at 4 and flew to ATL. It took 4 hours, 3 of which I slept. I then flew to Jacksonville. Which is where I am at today. So that is the physical recap of my journey.

The past two days I have been thinking a lot about my life and the path I am on. In everything, my personal life and my career choice. I realized tonight I can sit and worry and try and figure out about my life and make as many plans as I want, but like every plan I have made to date I have to be ready for it to be changed. Take Sunday for example. I was asked to speak on church and planned a good talk when during the opening song I felt I should take the talk in another direction. This is hard for me to deal with. I love to plan, I like to have all my ducks in a row for as far out as I can see. Sometimes I need to just relax and realize I have made it this far with plenty of help from people all around me, I will be able to make it a little farther.

Life is good. Sorry no pictures, I have them on my phone but I am tired of uploading pictures on here it is too hard. I just like writing.

PS - one thought: 2010 Wild Cow Milking Repeat.....nuff said

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